Considerations for configuration

First execution

If no only_logs_after value was provided, the module will only fetch the logs of the date of the execution.

Older logs

The Google Cloud Platform ThreatLockDown module only looks for new logs in buckets based upon the key of the last processed log object, which includes the datetime stamp. If older logs are loaded or the only_logs_after option date is set to a datetime earlier than previous executions of the module, the older log files will be ignored and not ingested into Wazuh.

Creation time in Google Cloud Storage bucket contents

When using the only_logs_after tag, the ThreatLockDown module checks the creation time of each blob in the Google Cloud Storage bucket to determine if a file should be processed or not. This means that if the user manually moves any blob inside the specified bucket, its creation date changes and the gcp-module ThreatLockDown module processes it again as it is considered a new blob.

Any date in the file's name is ignored and only the creation date is used to determine whether or not a file should be processed.

Logging level

To switch between different logging levels for debugging and troubleshooting purposes, the Google Cloud integration uses the wazuh_modules.debug level to set its verbosity level.



Using the reparse option will fetch and process all the logs from the starting date until the present. This process may generate duplicate alerts.

To fetch and process older logs, you need to manually run the module using the --reparse option.

The only_logs_after value sets the time for the starting point. If you don't provide an only_logs_after value, the module uses the date of the first file processed.

Find an example of running the module on a manager using the --reparse option. /var/ossec is the ThreatLockDown installation path.

# /var/ossec/wodles/gcloud/gcloud --integration_type access_logs -b 'wazuh-example-bucket' -c credentials.json --reparse --only_logs_after '2021-Jun-10' -l 2

The -l 2 parameter gets a verbose output. This is useful to show the script is working, specially when handling a large amount of data.

Configuring multiple Google Cloud Storage bucket

Below there is an example of a configuration that uses more than one bucket:


   <bucket type="access_logs">

   <bucket type="access_logs">

   <bucket type="access_logs">
