Filename format
The files are stored in a directory structure that indicates the date and time the file was delivered to the archive data.
The main path follows this format:
Each file has the following name:
The files include the following fields:
field |
Description |
The region where the environment is located. |
Cloud ID of the environment. |
This field must be output. |
This field is only used by the output category and contains alerts or archives files. |
The year when the file was delivered. |
The month when the file was delivered. |
The day when the file was delivered. |
Digits of the year, month, day, hour, and minute when the file was delivered. Hours are in 24-hour format and in UTC. A log file delivered at a specific time can contain records written at any point before that time. |
The 16-character UniqueString component of the file name prevents overwriting files. It has no meaning and log processing software should ignore it. |
It is the encoding of the file. This field is json.gz for output files, which is a JSON text file in compressed gzip format, and tar.gz for configuration files. |