ThreatLockDown agent class

class wazuh::agent

This contains variables that can be used to configure the ThreatLockDown agent.

Active-Response variables


Enables active response on this host.

Default true

Type Boolean


Toggles the active-response capability on and off.

Default no

Type String


This option enables or disables the WPK validation using the root CA certificate. If this parameter is set to no, the agent will accept any WPK package coming from the manager.

Default yes

Type String


Sets timeouts in minutes for repeat offenders. This is a list of increasing timeouts that can contain a maximum of 5 entries.

Default []

Agent enrollment variables


Enables/disables agent enrollment. If this variable is not set to ‘yes’ the complete enrollment tag will not be added to ossec.conf.

Default undef

Type String


Hostname or IP address of the manager where the agent will be enrolled.

Default undef

Type String


Specifies the port on the manager to send enrollment request.

Default undef

Type String

Depends on wazuh_enrollment_enabled


Agent name that will be used for enrollment.

Default undef

Type String

Depends on wazuh_enrollment_enabled


Groups name to which the agent belongs.

Default undef

Type String

Depends on wazuh_enrollment_enabled


Force IP address from the agent. If this is not set, the manager will extract the source IP address from the enrollment message.

Default undef

Type String

Depends on wazuh_enrollment_enabled


Override SSL used ciphers.

Default undef

Type String

Depends on wazuh_enrollment_enabled


Used for manager verification. If no CA certificate is set server will not be verified.

Default undef

Type String

Depends on wazuh_enrollment_enabled


Required when agent verification is enabled in the manager.

Default undef

Type String

Depends on wazuh_enrollment_enabled


Required when agent verification is enabled in the manager.

Default undef

Type String

Depends on wazuh_enrollment_enabled


Enrollment password.

Default undef

Type String

Depends on wazuh_enrollment_enabled


Required when enrollment is using password verification.

Default '/var/ossec/etc/authd.pass'

Type String

Depends on wazuh_enrollment_enabled


Auto negotiates the most secure common SSL/TLS method with the manager, use “yes” for auto negotiate or “no” for TLS v1.2 only.

Default undef

Type String

Depends on wazuh_enrollment_enabled


Specifies the time agents should wait after a successful registration.

Related parameter delay_after_enrollment

Default undef

Type String

Depends on wazuh_enrollment_enabled


Force manager to compute IP address from agent message.

Default undef

Type String

Depends on wazuh_enrollment_enabled

Client variables


Specifies the IP address or the hostname of the ThreatLockDown manager to report.

Default undef

Type String


Specifies the IP address or the hostname of the ThreatLockDown manager to register against. It is used to run the agent-auth tool.

Type String


Specifies the port to send events to the manager. This must match the associated listening port configured on the ThreatLockDown manager.

Default 1514

Type String


Specifies the protocol to use when connecting to the manager.

Default tcp

Type String


The number of connection retries.

Default 5

Type String


Time interval between connection attempts (seconds).

Default 5

Type String


Specifies the time in seconds between agent check-ins to the manager.

Default 10

Type String


Specifies the time in seconds before a reconnection is attempted. This should be set to a higher number than the notify_time parameter.

Default 60

Type String


Toggles on and off the automatic restart of agents when a new valid configuration is received from the manager.

Default yes

Type String


Choose the encryption of the messages that the agent sends to the manager.

Default aes

Type String


Sets the capacity of the agent buffer in number of events.

Default 5000


Specifies the number of events that can be sent to the manager per second.

Default 500

Type String

Localfile variables


Files list for log analysis

These files are listed in params_agent.pp in section $default_local_files. If a change is needed it should be modified in the params_agent.pp.

Default depends on the OS family.

Rootcheck variables


Enables rootcheck section render on this host.

Default true

Type Boolean


Disable rootcheck on this host (Linux).

Default no

Type String


Enable rootcheck checkfiles option.

Default yes

Type String


Enable rootcheck checktrojans option.

Default yes

Type String


Enable rootcheck checkdev option.

Default yes

Type String


Enable rootcheck checksys option.

Default yes

Type String


Enable rootcheck checkpids option.

Default yes

Type String


Enable rootcheck checkports option.

Default yes

Type String


Enable rootcheck checkif option.

Default yes

Type String


How often the rootcheck scan will run (in seconds).

Default 36000

Type String


List of files or directories to be ignored. These files and directories will be ignored during scans.

Default []

Type List


Change the location of the rootkit files database.

Default '/var/ossec/etc/shared/rootkit_files.txt'

Type String


Change the location of the rootkit trojans database.

Default 'etc/shared/rootkit_trojans.txt'

Type String


Enable or disable the scanning of network mounted filesystems (Works on Linux and FreeBSD). Currently, skip_nfs will exclude checking files on CIFS or NFS mounts.

Default yes

Type String


Specifies the path to an audit definition file for Unix-like systems.

Default []

Type List


Disables rootcheck if host has Windows OS.

Default no

Type String


Specifies the path to a Windows application definition file.

Default './shared/win_applications_rcl.txt'


Specifies the path to a Windows malware definitions file.

Default './shared/win_applications_rcl.txt'

Type String

SCA variables


Enables SCA section render on this host.

Default true

Type boolean


Enable SCA on this host (Amazon Linux 2).

Default yes

Depends on configure_sca and apply_template_os


The SCA module will perform the scan immediately when started (Amazon Linux 2).

Default yes

Depends on configure_sca and apply_template_os


The interval between module executions.

Default 12h

Depends on configure_sca and apply_template_os


Enable or disable the scanning of network mounted filesystems (Works on Linux and FreeBSD). Currently, skip_nfs will exclude checking files on CIFS or NFS mounts.

Default yes

Depends on configure_sca and apply_template_os


A list of policies to run assessments can be included in this section.

Default []

Depends on configure_sca and apply_template_os


Enable SCA on this host (RHEL).

Default true

Type Boolean

Depends on configure_sca and apply_template_os


The SCA module will perform the scan immediately when started (RHEL).

Default yes

Type String

Depends on configure_sca and apply_template_os


The interval between module executions.

Default 12h

Depends on configure_sca and apply_template_os


Enable or disable the scanning of network mounted filesystems (Works on Linux and FreeBSD). Currently, skip_nfs will exclude checking files on CIFS or NFS mounts.

Default yes

Depends on configure_sca and apply_template_os


A list of policies to run assessments can be included in this section.

Default []

Depends on configure_sca and apply_template_os


Enable SCA on this host (Linux).

Default yes


The SCA module will perform the scan immediately when started (Linux).

Default yes

Depends on configure_sca and apply_template_os


The interval between module executions.

Default 12h

Depends on configure_sca and apply_template_os


Enable or disable the scanning of network mounted filesystems (Works on Linux and FreeBSD). Currently, skip_nfs will exclude checking files on CIFS or NFS mounts.

Default yes

Depends on configure_sca and apply_template_os


A list of policies to run assessments can be included in this section.

Default []

Depends on configure_sca and apply_template_os

Syscheck variables


Enables syscheck section rendering on this host. If this variable is not set to ‘true’ the complete syscheck tag will not be added to ossec.conf.

Default true

Type Boolean


Disable syscheck on this host.

Default no

Type String


Enables syscheck section rendering on this host.

Default 43200

Type String


Specifies if syscheck scans immediately when started.

Default yes

Type String


Specifies whether or not syscheck will ignore files that change too many times (manager only).

Default undef

Type String


List of directories to be monitored. The directories should be comma-separated.

Default '/etc,/usr/bin,/usr/sbin'

Type String


This will enable real-time/continuous monitoring on directories listed on ossec_syscheck_directories_1. Real time only works with directories, not individual files.

Default no

Type String


This will enable who-data monitoring on directories listed on ossec_syscheck_directories_1.

Default no

Type String


List of directories to be monitored. The directories should be comma-separated.

Default '/etc,/usr/bin,/usr/sbin'

Type String


This will enable real-time/continuous monitoring on directories listed on ossec_syscheck_directories_2. Real time only works with directories, not individual files.

Default no

Type String


This will enable who-data monitoring on directories listed on ossec_syscheck_directories_2.

Default no

Type String


Report file changes. This is limited to text files at this time.

Default no

Type String


List of files or directories to be ignored. Ignored files and directories are still being scanned, but the results are not reported.


Type String


Simple regex pattern to filter out files.

Default '^/proc'

Type String


Another simple regex pattern to filter out files.

Default '.log$|.swp$'

Type String


Sets the nice value for Syscheck process.

Default 10

Type String


Specifies whether there will be periodic inventory synchronizations or not.

Default yes

Type String


Specifies the initial number of seconds between every inventory synchronization. If synchronization fails the value will be duplicated until it reaches the value of max_interval.

Default 5m

Type String


Sets the maximum synchronization message throughput.

Default 10

Type String


Specifies the maximum number of seconds between every inventory synchronization.

Default 1h

Type String


Specifies if syscheck should scan network mounted filesystems. This option works on Linux and FreeBSD systems. Currently, skip_nfs will exclude checking files on CIFS or NFS mounts.

Default yes

Type String

Wodle OpenSCAP


Enables the Wodle OpenSCAP section rendering on this host. If this variable is not set to true the complete open-scap wodle tag will not be added to ossec.conf.

Default true

Type Boolean


Disables the OpenSCAP wodle.

Default yes

Type String


Timeout for each evaluation.

Default 1800

Type String


The interval between OpenSCAP executions.

Default 1d

Type String


Run evaluation immediately when service is started.

Default yes

Type String



Enables Wodle CIS-CAT section render on this host. If this variable is not set to true the complete cis-cat wodle tag will not be added to ossec.conf.

Default true

Type Boolean


Disables the CIS-CAT wodle.

Default yes

Type String


Timeout for each evaluation. In case the execution takes longer than the specified timeout, it stops.

Default 1800

Type String


The interval between CIS-CAT executions.

Default 1d

Type String


Run evaluation immediately when service is started.

Default yes

Type String


Define where Java is located. If this parameter is not set, the wodle will search for the Java location in the default environment variable $PATH.

Default 'wodles/java'

Type String


Define where CIS-CAT is located.

Default 'wodles/ciscat'

Type String

Wodle osquery variables


Enables the Wodle osquery section rendering on this host. If this variable is not set to ‘true’, the complete osquery wodle tag will not be added to ossec.conf.

Default true

Type String


Disable the osquery wodle.

Default yes

Type String


Make the module run osqueryd as a subprocess or let the module monitor the results log without running Osquery.

Default yes

Type String


Full path to the results log written by Osquery.

Default '/var/log/osquery/osqueryd.results.log'

Type String


Path to the Osquery configuration file. This path can be relative to the folder where the ThreatLockDown agent is running.

Default '/etc/osquery/osquery.conf'

Type String


Add the agent labels defined as decorators.

Default yes

Type String

Wodle Syscollector


Disable the Syscollector wodle.

Default no

Type String


Time between system scans.

Default 1h

Type String


Run a system scan immediately when service is started.

Default yes

Type String


Enables the hardware scan.

Default yes

Type String


Enables the scan of the OS.

Default yes

Type String


Enables the network scan.

Default yes

Type String


Enables the scan of the packages.

Default yes

Type String


Enables the scan of the ports.

Default yes

Type String


Enables the scan of the processes.

Default yes

Type String

Misc Variables


Define package name defined in params_agent.pp

Default wazuh-agent

Type String


Define package version

Default 4.9.0-1

Type String


Whether to install a SELinux policy to allow rotation of OSSEC logs.

Default false

Type Boolean


Configure agent name.

Default undef

Type String


Install ThreatLockDown through ThreatLockDown repositories.

Default true

Type Boolean


Manage client keys option.

Default yes

Type String


Define password for agent-auth

Default undef

Type String