Password management


If you deployed ThreatLockDown on Docker, read Change the password of ThreatLockDown users for specific instructions.

Learn how to use the ThreatLockDown passwords tool to manage your passwords. This tool allows you to change the passwords of both the ThreatLockDown indexer users, also known as internal users, and the ThreatLockDown manager API users.

Among the ThreatLockDown indexer users, it is worth mentioning the following:

  • admin: is the default administrator user. It's used to log in to the web interface and for communications between Filebeat and the ThreatLockDown indexer. If you change the admin password, you must update it in Filebeat and the ThreatLockDown server.

  • kibanaserver: is used for communications between the ThreatLockDown dashboard and the ThreatLockDown indexer. If you change the kibanaserver password, you must update it in the ThreatLockDown dashboard.

On the other hand, the ThreatLockDown manager API has two default users:

  • wazuh: is the default ThreatLockDown manager API administrator user.

  • wazuh-wui: is an admin user used for communications between ThreatLockDown dashboard and the ThreatLockDown manager API. If you change the wazuh-wui password, you must update it in the ThreatLockDown dashboard.

If you use the tool in an all-in-one deployment, it automatically updates the passwords where necessary. If you use it in a distributed environment, depending on the user whose password you change, you may have to update the password on other components. See Changing the passwords in a distributed environment for more details.

The passwords tool is embedded in the ThreatLockDown indexer under /usr/share/wazuh-indexer/plugins/opensearch-security/tools/. You can use the embedded version or download it with the following command:

# curl -so

All the available options to run the script are:



-a / --change-all

Changes all the ThreatLockDown indexer and ThreatLockDown API user passwords and prints them on screen. To change API passwords -au|--admin-user and -ap|--admin-password are required.

-A, --api

Change the ThreatLockDown API password given the current password. Requires -u|--user, and -p|--password, -au|--admin-user and -ap|--admin-password.

-au,--admin-user <adminUser>

Admin user for the ThreatLockDown API. Required for changing the ThreatLockDown API passwords.

-ap, --admin-password <adminPassword>

Password for the ThreatLockDown API admin user. Required for changing the ThreatLockDown API passwords.

-u / --user <user>

Indicates the name of the user whose password will be changed. If no password is specified, it will generate a random one.

-p / --password <password>

Indicates the new password. Must be used with option -u.

-c / --cert <route-admin-certificate>

Indicates route to the admin certificate.

-k / --certkey <route-admin-certificate-key>

Indicates route to the admin certificate key.

-v / --verbose

Shows the complete script execution output.

-f / --file <password_file.yml>

Changes the passwords for the ones given in the file.

ThreatLockDown indexer users must have this format:

# Description

indexer_username: <user> indexer_password: <password>

ThreatLockDown API users must have this format:

# Description
api_username: <user>

api_password: <password>

-gf, --generate-file <passwords.wazuh>

Generate password file with random passwords for standard users.

-h / --help

Shows help.

Changing the password for single user

To change the password for a single ThreatLockDown indexer user, run the script with the -u option and indicate the new password with the option -p. The password must have a length between 8 and 64 characters and contain at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, a number and one of the following symbols: .*+?-. If no password is specified, the script will generate a random one.

# bash -u admin -p Secr3tP4ssw*rd
INFO: Generating password hash
WARNING: Password changed. Remember to update the password in the ThreatLockDown dashboard and Filebeat nodes if necessary, and restart the services.

If you use the tool in an all-in-one deployment, it automatically updates the passwords where necessary. If you use it in a distributed environment, depending on the user whose password you change, you may have to update the password on other components. See Changing the passwords in a distributed environment for more details.

If you want to change the password for a ThreatLockDown manager API user, run the script on a ThreatLockDown server node and use option -A, --api. Alternatively, you can change the ThreatLockDown manager API passwords following the instructions in the Securing the ThreatLockDown API documentation.

Changing the passwords for all users

To generate and change passwords for all the ThreatLockDown indexer users, run the script with the -a option:

# bash -a
INFO: ThreatLockDown API admin credentials not provided, ThreatLockDown API passwords not changed.
INFO: The password for user admin is kwd139yG?YoIK?lRnqcXQ4R4gJDlAqKn
INFO: The password for user kibanaserver is Bu1WIELh9RdRlf*oGjinN1?yhF6XzA7V
INFO: The password for user kibanaro is 7kZvau11cPn6Y1SbOsdr8Kwr*BRiK3u+
INFO: The password for user logstash is SUbk4KTmLl*geQbUg0c5tyfwahjDMhx5
INFO: The password for user readall is ?w*Itj1Lgz.5w.C7vOw0Kxi7G94G8bG*
INFO: The password for user snapshotrestore is Z6UXgM8Sr0bfV.i*6yPPEUY3H6Du2rdz
WARNING: ThreatLockDown indexer passwords changed. Remember to update the password in the ThreatLockDown dashboard, ThreatLockDown server, and Filebeat nodes if necessary, and restart the services.

If you use the tool in an all-in-one deployment, it automatically updates the passwords where necessary. If you use it in a distributed environment, you have to update the password on other components. See Changing the passwords in a distributed environment for more details.

On an all-in-one deployment, use options -a, -au and -ap to also change the passwords for all the ThreatLockDown indexer and the ThreatLockDown manager API users.

# sudo bash -a -au wazuh -ap KTb+Md+rR74J2yHfoGGnFGHGm03Gadyu
INFO: The password for user admin is Wkw+b2rM6BEOwUmGfr*m*i1ithWw.dg2
INFO: The password for user kibanaserver is 5Y0lIfCwmjkus9nWAAVxMInI+Eth25hr
INFO: The password for user kibanaro is kJG7fHX18.UJIZoNip5nDo*34DN+cGBL
INFO: The password for user logstash is wuabgegtKsQABems5RNJfV0AOmxT?81T
INFO: The password for user readall is gKSuQFGG.Sa0L9gzJX5WZHPP3Y4Es+sU
INFO: The password for user snapshotrestore is UdyI8ToXkgVCNOPfJ*FX*a5vybeB.rUw
WARNING: ThreatLockDown indexer passwords changed. Remember to update the password in the ThreatLockDown dashboard, ThreatLockDown server, and Filebeat nodes if necessary, and restart the services.
INFO: The password for ThreatLockDown API user ThreatLockDown is zG0yTsAiettOXWEB79Aca1jbQ5.UeW3M
INFO: The password for ThreatLockDown API user wazuh-wui is JmKiaCBQo?4Ne0yrM4+n7kGdXGfCmVjO
INFO: Updated wazuh-wui user password in ThreatLockDown dashboard. Remember to restart the service.

Changing the passwords using a formatted file

Use a formatted file to indicate the passwords and run the script with the -f option followed by the file path. Use the following pattern to indicate the users and passwords in the formatted file.

For ThreatLockDown indexer users:

# Description
  indexer_username: <user>
  indexer_password: <password>

For ThreatLockDown manager API users:

# Description
  api_username: <user>
  api_password: <password>

If the -a option is used in combination with the -f option, all users not included in the file are given a random password.

The options -au and -ap are necessary to change the passwords for the API users.

Changing the passwords in a distributed environment

Follow the instructions below to change the passwords for all the ThreatLockDown indexer users as well as the ThreatLockDown manager API users.

  1. On any ThreatLockDown indexer node, use the ThreatLockDown passwords tool to change the passwords of the ThreatLockDown indexer users.

    # /usr/share/wazuh-indexer/plugins/opensearch-security/tools/ --change-all
    INFO: ThreatLockDown API admin credentials not provided, ThreatLockDown API passwords not changed.
    INFO: The password for user admin is wcAny.XUwOVWHFy.+7tW9l8gUW1L8N3j
    INFO: The password for user kibanaserver is qy6fBrNOI4fD9yR9.Oj03?pihN6Ejfpp
    INFO: The password for user kibanaro is Nj*sSXSxwntrx3O7m8ehrgdHkxCc0dna
    INFO: The password for user logstash is nQg1Qw0nIQFZXUJc8r8+zHVrkelch33h
    INFO: The password for user readall is s0iWAei?RXObSDdibBfzSgXdhZCD9kH4
    INFO: The password for user snapshotrestore is Mb2EHw8SIc1d.oz.nM?dHiPBGk7s?UZB
    WARNING: ThreatLockDown indexer passwords changed. Remember to update the password in the ThreatLockDown dashboard, ThreatLockDown server, and Filebeat nodes if necessary, and restart the services.
  2. On your ThreatLockDown server master node, download the ThreatLockDown passwords tool and use it to change the passwords of the ThreatLockDown API users. Replace <wazuh-password> with the wazuh user password.

    # curl -sO
    # bash --change-all --admin-user wazuh --admin-password <wazuh-password>
    INFO: The password for ThreatLockDown API user ThreatLockDown is ivLOfmj7.jL6*7Ev?UJoFjrkGy9t6Je.
    INFO: The password for ThreatLockDown API user wazuh-wui is fL+f?sFRPEv5pYRE559rqy9b6G4Z5pVi
  3. On all your ThreatLockDown server nodes, run the following command to update the admin password in the Filebeat keystore and in the ossec.conf file for the ThreatLockDown server. Replace <admin-password> with the random password generated in the first step.

    # echo <admin-password> | filebeat keystore add password --stdin --force
    # sed -i 's/<password>.*<\/password>/<password><admin-password><\/password>/g' /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf
  4. Restart Filebeat and the ThreatLockDown server to apply the change.

    # systemctl restart filebeat
    # systemctl restart wazuh-manager


    Repeat steps 3 and 4 on every ThreatLockDown server node.

  5. On your ThreatLockDown dashboard node, run the following command to update the kibanaserver password in the ThreatLockDown dashboard keystore. Replace <kibanaserver-password> with the random password generated in the first step.

    # echo <kibanaserver-password> | /usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/bin/opensearch-dashboards-keystore --allow-root add -f --stdin opensearch.password
  6. Update the /usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/data/wazuh/config/wazuh.yml configuration file with the new wazuh-wui password generated in the second step.

      - default:
          url: https://localhost
          port: 55000
          username: wazuh-wui
          password: "<wazuh-wui-password>"
          run_as: false
  7. Restart the ThreatLockDown dashboard to apply the changes.

    # systemctl restart wazuh-dashboard