Index life management

To optimize your cluster performance, you can perform periodic operations, such as index rollovers and deletions.

Index State Management (ISM) lets you automate these operational tasks. You can implement lifecycle policies, such as retention policies, for your data using ISM. ISM triggers index operations automatically based on your policies and the changes detected in index age, size, and documents count.

Index rollover

ThreatLockDown uses an ISM policy to rotate the wazuh-alerts-* and wazuh-archives-* indices automatically.

If a rollover policy is missing, it sets a default one during the ThreatLockDown indexer initialization. This default policy establishes the following conditions for the rollover.

  • A single primary shard of an index is larger than 25 GB.

  • The index is older than 7 days.

  • The index has more than 600,000,000 documents.

   "policy": {
         "description": "ThreatLockDown rollover and alias policy",
         "default_state": "active",
         "states": [
            "name": "active",
            "actions": [
               "rollover": {
                     "min_primary_shard_size": "25gb",
                     "min_index_age": "7d",
                     "min_doc_count": "600000000"
         "ism_template": {
            "index_patterns": ["wazuh-alerts-*", "wazuh-archives-*", "-wazuh-alerts-4.x-sample*"],
            "priority": "50"

Customizing the rollover policy

You can customize the rollover policy to fit your needs. For example, you can change the minimum index size, age, and documents count values that trigger a rollover.

To customize your policy, you can follow one of these methods:

Whatever the method you choose, make sure to keep the following considerations in mind:

  • Keep rollover_policy for the policy name. ThreatLockDown preserves this policy unaffected between upgrades and initialization if present.

  • The min_doc_count value must be lower than 2^31. Furthermore, we recommend a value not higher than 200 million.

  • The priority value must be unique among all policies managing the same indices.

  • For best performance, we recommend a value between 10 GB and 50 GB for min_primary_shard_size.

We recommend keeping your documents count from exceeding 200 million while allocating between 10 GB and 50 GB per shard. This configuration typically works well for most use cases. In addition, we don't recommend changing the index_patterns value.

Using the ISM user interface

This is the recommended method. Perform the following steps using the ThreatLockDown dashboard user interface.

  1. Click on the upper left menu and select Index Management under OpenSearch Plugins.

  2. Choose State management policies and click rollover_policy.

  3. Select your preferred edition method and update with your custom values.

Using the ISM API

You can use the ISM API directly from Dev Tools under Management section on the UI. You can also use external tools like Postman, cURL, or any other tool or library capable of performing HTTP requests.

By default, only the admin and kibanaserver users have permissions to manage the policies. However, the manage_ism permission group and role grants permissions to the ISM API.

Using the initialization script

When deploying ThreatLockDown step by step, you have the option to customize the rollover policy using the script. In this scenario, the cluster initialization process involves two distinct steps instead of using the script:

  1. To set up the security options, execute the script.

    # /usr/share/wazuh-indexer/bin/
  2. Next, configure the rollover policy by running the script. For example, you can specify a 30 days rollover interval with the -a option as shown below. For a complete list of available options, use --help.

    # /usr/share/wazuh-indexer/bin/ -a 30d

    Please note that this script uses the default password for the admin user. If you have changed the password, use the -p option to specify the new password.

Index retention

Security standards require keeping data available for audits for a minimum period of time. For data older than this retention period, you might want to delete it to save storage space.

You can define specific policies to handle deletions automatically. You might also find these policies useful for index rollovers.

Creating a retention policy

Using the Visual editor

  1. Click on the upper left menu , go to Indexer/dashboard management, and select Index Management. Choose State management policies and click Create policy. Select Visual editor and click Continue.

    State management policies
    Visual editor configuration method
  2. Enter a unique Policy ID in the Policy info section. For example, wazuh-alert-retention-policy. You can optionally describe the policy in the Description field.

    Create policy
  3. Click Add template under ISM templates and enter an index pattern such as wazuh-alerts-* to apply this policy to future alert indices automatically.

  4. Click Add state to create a state for index deletion. Enter a name such as delete_alerts.

  5. Click Add action and select Delete in the Action type. Click Add action. Then click Save state.

  6. Click Add state again to create an initial state. Enter a name, such as initial.

  7. Choose Add before from the Order tab and select delete_alerts.

  8. Click Add transition and select delete_alerts as the Destination state.

  9. Select Minimum Index Age in Condition. Input the retention value, for example, 90d for 90 days, in the Minimum Index Age.

  10. Click Add transition. Click Save state. Click Create.

Using the JSON editor

  1. Click on the upper left menu , go to Indexer/dashboard management, and choose Index Management. Choose State management policies and click Create policy. Select JSON editor and click Continue.

    JSON editor configuration method
  2. Enter a unique Policy ID in the Policy info section. For example, wazuh-alert-retention-policy. You can optionally enter a description within your JSON policy definition.

    JSON policy definition
  3. In the Define policy section, replace the content with your JSON policy definition. Your definition must look similar to this.

        "policy": {
            "policy_id": "wazuh-alert-retention-policy",
            "description": "ThreatLockDown alerts retention policy",
            "schema_version": 17,
            "error_notification": null,
            "default_state": "retention_state",
            "states": [
                    "name": "retention_state",
                    "actions": [],
                    "transitions": [
                            "state_name": "delete_alerts",
                            "conditions": {
                                "min_index_age": "90d"
                    "name": "delete_alerts",
                    "actions": [
                            "retry": {
                                "count": 3,
                                "backoff": "exponential",
                                "delay": "1m"
                            "delete": {}
                    "transitions": []
            "ism_template": [
                    "index_patterns": [
                    "priority": 1

    Adjust the “min_index_age”: from “90d” to your preferred number of days for minimum index retention.

  4. Click Create.

Applying the retention policy to alerts index

  1. Choose Indices in Index Management.

  2. Select the index or indices to attach the policy.

  3. Click Actions > Apply policy.

    Apply policy to indices
  4. Select the policy created in the previous steps from the Policy ID menu. Click Apply.