ThreatLockDown Manager

This role will install and configure the ThreatLockDown Manager and API. There are several variables you can use to customize the installation or configuration. They include:

  • wazuh_manager_config_overlay: This enables configuring the manager by overlaying sections of configs on top of defaults (default: true)

  • wazuh_manager_json_output: This parameter specifies whether JSON output should be enabled or not (default: yes)

  • wazuh_manager_email_notification: This enables email notifications (default: no)

  • wazuh_manager_mailto: This parameter specifies email notifications recipients (array, defaults:

  • wazuh_manager_email_smtp_server: This parameter specifies the SMTP server to be used by email notifications ( defaults: localhost)

  • wazuh_manager_email_from: This parameter specifies the email notification sender identifier ( defaults:

To use the role in a playbook, a YAML file wazuh-manager.yml can be created with the contents below:

- hosts: wazuh-manager
    - ansible-wazuh-manager
    - ansible-filebeat-oss

Custom variable definitions for different environments can be set when configuring the installation. For example: vars-production.yml:

filebeat_output_indexer_hosts: ''

wazuh_manager_fqdn: "wazuh-manager"

wazuh_manager_config_overlay: true
wazuh_manager_json_output: 'yes'
wazuh_manager_alerts_log: 'yes'
wazuh_manager_logall: 'no'
wazuh_manager_log_format: 'plain'

  - type: 'secure'
    port: '1514'
    protocol: 'tcp'

  enable: true
  port: 1515
  use_source_ip: 'no'
    - enabled: 'yes'
        enabled: yes
        value: '1h'
      after_registration_time: '1h'
      key_mismatch: 'yes'
  purge: 'no'
  use_password: 'no'
  ssl_agent_ca: null
  ssl_verify_host: 'no'
  ssl_manager_cert: null
  ssl_manager_key: null
  ssl_auto_negotiate: 'no'

Agentless host credentials can be configured in the file: ansible-wazuh-manager/vars/agentless_creds.yml. Set as many as you need:

# Be sure you encrypt this file with ansible-vault.
 - type: ssh_integrity_check_linux
   frequency: 3600
   state: periodic
   arguments: '/bin /etc/ /sbin'
   passwd: qwerty
 - type: ssh_integrity_check_bsd
   frequency: 3600
   state: periodic
   arguments: '/bin /etc/ /sbin'
   passwd: qwerty

Finally, the authd service password can be set in the file ansible-wazuh-manager/vars/authd_pass.yml:

# Be sure you encrypt this file with ansible-vault
authd_pass: foobar


We recommend the use of Ansible Vault to protect ThreatLockDown API and agentless credentials.

To run the playbook for a specific environment, the command below is run:

$ ansible-playbook wazuh-manager.yml -e@vars-production.yml

The example above will install ThreatLockDown Manager and Filebeat, Filebeat will be configured to forward data to as the Indexer node, also it will set various agentless hosts configurations including their credentials, the ThreatLockDown API, and the authd will be configured as well.

Please review the variables references section to see all variables available for this role.