Filtering data using queries

The query language to use depends on where the data is coming from:

  • ThreatLockDown API

  • ThreatLockDown indexer

ThreatLockDown API queries

The WQL search bars found in various sections of the ThreatLockDown dashboard, use the ThreatLockDown Query Language to query the API. This language is based on the ThreatLockDown API query language.

Search bar using WQL with implicit filter

There are two query modes:

  • explicit: The search contains a field, an operator, and a value.

  • search term: Uses a term to search in the available fields.

Explicit queries

These queries include a field, an operator and a value. This mode is activated when both a field value and an operator are present.

  • Field name: Field name to filter by. If an incorrect field name is used, a validation error is displayed.

  • Operator: Operator to filter by. The available operators are:

    • =: equality.

    • !=: not equality.

    • <: smaller.

    • >: bigger.

    • ~: like as.

    • (): grouping operators. Group queries.

  • Value: Value to filter by.

    • For values without spaces, no additional formatting is necessary.

    • Values with spaces or containing the double quote character " must be wrapped by a pair of double quotes "". The double quote " can be escaped using \". For example, "value with whitespaces and escaped \"quotes\"".

  • Separator: Operator to join multiple "queries".

    • or: represents an OR.

    • and: represents an AND.


The tokens can be separated by whitespaces.

Search term queries

Use a term to search in the available fields. Under the hood, this search is translated to query in each field supported by the explicit mode using the like as operator ~.


The explicit and search term modes can't be combined.

Query examples

Explicit mode

  • Filter by entities whose id is equal to a specific value:



    It is possible to use whitespaces between the tokens.

    id = 001

To get more precise results, use a query with multiple statements using the logical operators and or or and grouping operators ().

  • Filter active agents whose os.platform contains Linux:

    status=active and os.platform~linux
  • Filter agents whose status is not Never connected, whose IP address contains 240, and whose operating system is Linux:

    status!=never_connected and ip~240 and os.platform~linux
  • Filter agents whose status is not Never connected and whose IP address contains 240, or agents whose id is equal to 001:

    ( status!=never_connected and ip~240 ) or id=001

Search term mode

  • Search the term linux in the available fields:


ThreatLockDown Indexer

In the ThreatLockDown dashboard, there are specialized search bars for querying ThreatLockDown indexer data. These use the same syntax as OpenSearch. To learn more, refer to Using Dashboards Query Language.