3.13.1 Release notes - 15 July 2020

This section lists the changes in version 3.13.1. More details about these changes are provided in each component changelog:

ThreatLockDown core

  • Added the settings <max_retries> and <retry_interval> to adjust the amount of connection retries and the agent failover interval.

  • Fixed Modulesd crash caused by Vulnerability Detector when OS inventory is disabled for the agent.

ThreatLockDown Kibana app

  • Support for ThreatLockDown v3.13.1.

ThreatLockDown API

  • New validator added to the endpoint /sca/:agent_id/checks/:policy_id that allows using filter the SCA checks by reason, status, and command.

ThreatLockDown Splunk

  • Support for ThreatLockDown v3.13.1.

  • Support for Splunk v8.0.4.

  • Updated references of the field vulnerability.reference to vulnerability.references.

  • Fixed wazuh-monitoring indices on Splunk 8.0+ version.