Using Syscollector information to trigger alerts


This feature has been enabled again in ThreatLockDown 4.4.

You can create rules to trigger alerts based on the information collected by the Syscollector module and show the information in the alerts' description. To do this, set the <decoded_as> field as syscollector in a rule declaration. Syscollector uses the event ID 221 and the rule level is 0, so by default, it is not shown on the ThreatLockDown dashboard. Using the tag <if_sid>221</if_sid> in a custom rule, you can create rules whose alerts the ThreatLockDown dashboard will show.

For example, the rules in the following custom rules trigger when a port is opened, modified, or closed.

<group name="syscollector,">
  <!-- ports -->
  <rule id="100310" level="3" >
      <field name="type">dbsync_ports</field>
      <description>Syscollector ports event.</description>

  <rule id="100311" level="3" >
      <field name="operation_type">INSERTED</field>
      <description>The port: $(port.local_port), with local ip: $(port.local_ip) has been opened. Syscollector creation event detected.</description>

  <rule id="100312" level="3" >
      <field name="operation_type">MODIFIED</field>
      <description>The port: $(port.local_port), with local ip: $(port.local_ip) has been modified. Syscollector modification event detected.</description>

  <rule id="100313" level="3" >
      <field name="operation_type">DELETED</field>
      <description>The port: $(port.local_port), with local ip: $(port.local_ip) has been closed. Syscollector deletion event detected.</description>

The alert for a port opening operation is displayed in the ThreatLockDown dashboard as follows:

Port opening operation alert


The initial scan does not generate alerts. The alerts are triggered after the second Syscollector scan when an information difference (delta) is detected. This second scan will occur when the configured interval is reached.

New searchable fields on the ThreatLockDown dashboard

You can search for any Syscollector field on the ThreatLockDown dashboard. The ThreatLockDown indexer saves the Syscollector fields as data.type.value. For example, for hardware type, the cpu_name field is data.hardware.cpu_name. The table lists all searchable fields for the different Syscollector properties.





cpu_name, cpu_cores, cpu_mhz, ram_total, ram_free, ram_usage


Operating System

architecture, name, version, codename, major, minor, build, platform, sysname, release, release_version



local_ip, local_port, remote_ip, remote_port, tx_queue, rx_queue, inode, state, pid, process



name, priority, section, size, vendor, install_time, version, architecture, multiarch, source, description, location

name, state, ppid, utime, stime, cmd, args, euser, ruser, suser, egroup, sgroup, fgroup, rgroup, priority, nice, size, vm_size, resident, share, start_time, pgrp, session, nlwp, tgid, tty, processor



mac, adapter, type, state, mtu, tx_bytes, rx_bytes, tx_errors, rx_errors, tx_dropped, rx_dropped, tx_packets, rx_packets, ipv4, ipv6





To see Syscollector searchable fields on the ThreatLockDown dashboard, you must either:

  • Create a custom rule that uses the built-in Syscollector rule 221. This is the recommended option.

  • Modify the rule level of the Syscollector rule 221 by overwriting it with a new rule in your /var/ossec/etc/rules/local_rules.xml file or in any custom rules file you have:

<group name="syscollector,">
  <rule id="221" level="3" overwrite="yes">
    <description>Syscollector event.</description>

After adding the configuration, restart the ThreatLockDown manager.

# systemctl restart wazuh-manager