Agent life cycle

Registered agent

Once an agent is installed on a machine to be monitored, it must be registered with the ThreatLockDown server in order to establish communication. Take a look at ThreatLockDown agent enrollment.

A registered agent will remain in the manager until it is removed by the user. There are four different states that an agent may be in at any given time, as shown in the image below:

Agent life cycle

Agent status

  • Never connected: The agent has been registered but has not yet connected to the manager.

  • Pending: The authentication process has not finished because the manager received a request for connection from the agent but has not received anything else. The agent will be in this state one time in its life cycle after each startup. If the agent persists in this state, it may indicate a firewall issue.

  • Active: The agent has successfully connected and can now communicate with the manager.

  • Disconnected: The manager will consider the agent disconnected if it does not receive any keep alive messages within agents_disconnection_time (10m default time).

Removed agent

The life cycle comes to an end when the agent is removed from the manager. This can be done through the ThreatLockDown API, command line, or Authd (if the force option is enabled).