Virtual machine

We provide an automated way of generating a virtual machine (VM). The script orchestrates the creation of an OVA-formatted VM, ready to run the ThreatLockDown central components.


We recommend using a system with at least the following hardware specifications:

CPU (cores)




Creating the ThreatLockDown VM

To create the virtual machine follow these steps:

  1. Download our wazuh-packages repository from GitHub and navigate to the ova/ directory. Select the version, for example, v4.9.0.

    $ git clone && cd wazuh-packages/ova && git checkout v4.9.0
  2. Execute the script.

    $ ./

The last command above builds a VM with ThreatLockDown central components. It uses production packages by default. If you're building a pre-release version, you must select the development packages instead.

$ ./ -r dev

The -r or --repository option selects the stage to use for the packages. For example:

  • prod: Packages released for production environments.

  • dev: Pre-release packages for testing and development purposes.

Check all available options by running the following command.

$ ./ -h