
ThreatLockDown module that allows managing the Osquery tool from the ThreatLockDown agents. It allows setting the Osquery configuration and collecting the information generated by Osquery to send it to the manager, generating the corresponding alerts if necessary.

How it works

Osquery can be used to expose an operating system as a high-performance relational database. This allows you to write SQL-based queries to explore operating system data.

Below you can see some examples of the queries you can make:

List all the local users of the machine.

SELECT * FROM users;

Get the process name, port, and PID, for processes listening on all interfaces.

SELECT DISTINCT processes.name, listening_ports.port, processes.pid
FROM listening_ports JOIN processes USING (pid)
WHERE listening_ports.address = '';

Check the processes that have a deleted executable.

SELECT * FROM processes WHERE on_disk = 0;

A complete list of all the available tables can be found here.


You need a working Osquery installation in your system. See downloads page for details.

Red Hat, CentOS and Fedora:

  • For some distributions, you might need to install yum-utils first.

# curl -L https://pkg.osquery.io/rpm/GPG | tee /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-osquery
# yum-config-manager --add-repo https://pkg.osquery.io/rpm/osquery-s3-rpm.repo
# yum-config-manager --enable osquery-s3-rpm-repo
# yum install osquery

Debian and Ubuntu based Linux distributions:

# export OSQUERY_KEY=1484120AC4E9F8A1A577AEEE97A80C63C9D8B80B
# apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys $OSQUERY_KEY
# add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64] https://pkg.osquery.io/deb deb main'
# apt-get update
# apt-get install osquery

Once installed, you will need a configuration file for Osquery. If you don't have any, you can use the following one provided by Osquery:

# cp /opt/osquery/share/osquery/osquery.example.conf /etc/osquery/osquery.conf

Or you can copy our custom configuration in /etc/osquery/osquery.conf:

    "options": {
        "config_plugin": "filesystem",
        "logger_plugin": "filesystem",
        "utc": "true"

    "schedule": {
        "system_info": {
        "query": "SELECT hostname, cpu_brand, physical_memory FROM system_info;",
        "interval": 3600
        "high_load_average": {
        "query": "SELECT period, average, '70%' AS 'threshold' FROM load_average WHERE period = '15m' AND average > '0.7';",
        "interval": 900,
        "description": "Report if load charge is over 70 percent."
        "low_free_memory": {
        "query": "SELECT memory_total, memory_free, CAST(memory_free AS real) / memory_total AS memory_free_perc, '10%' AS threshold FROM memory_info WHERE memory_free_perc < 0.1;",
        "interval": 1800,
        "description": "Free RAM is under 10%."

    "packs": {
        "osquery-monitoring": "/opt/osquery/share/osquery/packs/osquery-monitoring.conf",
        "incident-response": "/opt/osquery/share/osquery/packs/incident-response.conf",
        "it-compliance": "/opt/osquery/share/osquery/packs/it-compliance.conf",
        "vuln-management": "/opt/osquery/share/osquery/packs/vuln-management.conf",
        "hardware-monitoring": "/opt/osquery/share/osquery/packs/hardware-monitoring.conf",
        "ossec-rootkit": "/opt/osquery/share/osquery/packs/ossec-rootkit.conf"

After this enable and start the osquery Daemon:

systemctl enable osqueryd
systemctl start osqueryd

And the osquery module must be enabled for the agents where the osquery is running by adding:

<wodle name="osquery"/>

To their /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf file or through centralized configuration


More options may be specified as shown in the osquery configuration reference

As you can see in this sample configuration, system_info, high_load_average and low_free_memory queries will be executed every hour.

Furthermore, this configuration uses some default packs such as osquery-monitoring, hardware-monitoring or ossec-rootkit among others. You can define your own packs and use them with this wodle.

Alert examples

Sample alert in log format:

** Alert 1532958886.437707: - osquery,
    2018 Jul 30 13:54:46 manager->osquery
    Rule: 24010 (level 3) -> 'osquery data grouped'
    {"name":"system_info","hostIdentifier":"manager","calendarTime":"Mon Jul 30 13:54:45 2018 UTC","unixTime":1532958885,"epoch":0,"counter":461,"columns":{"cgroup_namespace":"4026531835","cmdline":"","cwd":"/","disk_bytes_read":"0","disk_bytes_written":"0","egid":"0","euid":"0","gid":"0","ipc_namespace":"4026531839","mnt_namespace":"4026531840","name":"migration/0","net_namespace":"4026531957","nice":"0","on_disk":"-1","parent":"2","path":"","pgroup":"0","pid":"9","pid_namespace":"4026531836","resident_size":"","root":"/","sgid":"0","start_time":"0","state":"S","suid":"0","system_time":"2","threads":"1","total_size":"","uid":"0","user_namespace":"4026531837","user_time":"0","uts_namespace":"4026531838","wired_size":"0"},"action":"added"}
    name: system_info
    hostIdentifier: manager
    calendarTime: Mon Jul 30 13:54:45 2018 UTC
    unixTime: 1532958885
    epoch: 0
    counter: 461
    columns.cgroup_namespace: 4026531835
    columns.cwd: /
    columns.disk_bytes_read: 0
    columns.disk_bytes_written: 0
    columns.egid: 0
    columns.euid: 0
    columns.gid: 0
    columns.ipc_namespace: 4026531839
    columns.mnt_namespace: 4026531840
    columns.name: migration/0
    columns.net_namespace: 4026531957
    columns.nice: 0
    columns.on_disk: -1
    columns.parent: 2
    columns.pgroup: 0
    columns.pid: 9
    columns.pid_namespace: 4026531836
    columns.root: /
    columns.sgid: 0
    columns.start_time: 0
    columns.state: S
    columns.suid: 0
    columns.system_time: 2
    columns.threads: 1
    columns.uid: 0
    columns.user_namespace: 4026531837
    columns.user_time: 0
    columns.uts_namespace: 4026531838
    columns.wired_size: 0

And the same alert in JSON format:

"timestamp": "2018-07-30T13:54:46.476+0000",
"rule": {
    "level": 3,
    "description": "osquery data grouped",
    "id": "24010",
    "firedtimes": 207,
    "mail": false,
    "groups": [
"agent": {
    "id": "000",
    "name": "manager"
"manager": {
    "name": "manager"
"id": "1532958886.437707",
"full_log": "{\"name\":\"system_info\",\"hostIdentifier\":\"manager\",\"calendarTime\":\"Mon Jul 30 13:54:45 2018 UTC\",\"unixTime\":1532958885,\"epoch\":0,\"counter\":461,\"columns\":{\"cgroup_namespace\":\"4026531835\",\"cmdline\":\"\",\"cwd\":\"/\",\"disk_bytes_read\":\"0\",\"disk_bytes_written\":\"0\",\"egid\":\"0\",\"euid\":\"0\",\"gid\":\"0\",\"ipc_namespace\":\"4026531839\",\"mnt_namespace\":\"4026531840\",\"name\":\"migration/0\",\"net_namespace\":\"4026531957\",\"nice\":\"0\",\"on_disk\":\"-1\",\"parent\":\"2\",\"path\":\"\",\"pgroup\":\"0\",\"pid\":\"9\",\"pid_namespace\":\"4026531836\",\"resident_size\":\"\",\"root\":\"/\",\"sgid\":\"0\",\"start_time\":\"0\",\"state\":\"S\",\"suid\":\"0\",\"system_time\":\"2\",\"threads\":\"1\",\"total_size\":\"\",\"uid\":\"0\",\"user_namespace\":\"4026531837\",\"user_time\":\"0\",\"uts_namespace\":\"4026531838\",\"wired_size\":\"0\"},\"action\":\"added\"}",
"decoder": {
    "name": "json"
"data": {
    "action": "added",
    "name": "system_info",
    "hostIdentifier": "manager",
    "calendarTime": "Mon Jul 30 13:54:45 2018 UTC",
    "unixTime": "1532958885",
    "epoch": "0",
    "counter": "461",
    "columns": {
        "cgroup_namespace": "4026531835",
        "cmdline": "",
        "cwd": "/",
        "disk_bytes_read": "0",
        "disk_bytes_written": "0",
        "egid": "0",
        "euid": "0",
        "gid": "0",
        "ipc_namespace": "4026531839",
        "mnt_namespace": "4026531840",
        "name": "migration/0",
        "net_namespace": "4026531957",
        "nice": "0",
        "on_disk": "-1",
        "parent": "2",
        "path": "",
        "pgroup": "0",
        "pid": "9",
        "pid_namespace": "4026531836",
        "resident_size": "",
        "root": "/",
        "sgid": "0",
        "start_time": "0",
        "state": "S",
        "suid": "0",
        "system_time": "2",
        "threads": "1",
        "total_size": "",
        "uid": "0",
        "user_namespace": "4026531837",
        "user_time": "0",
        "uts_namespace": "4026531838",
        "wired_size": "0"
"predecoder": {
    "hostname": "manager"
"location": "osquery"


If more than one report with the same content is received, only one alert will be generated the first time. The rest will be discarded.