Filtering data using queries

Advance filtering is possible using the ThreatLockDown API's queries. Queries are specified using the q parameter. A query has the following structure:

  • Field name: Field name to filter by. If an incorrect field name is used, an error will be raised.

  • Operator: Operator to filter by:
    • =: equality.

    • !=: not equality.

    • <: smaller.

    • >: bigger.

    • ~: like as.

    • (): grouping operators.

  • Value: Value to filter by.

  • Separator: Operator to join multiple "queries":
    • ,: represents an OR.

    • ;: represents an AND.


Reserved characters need to be percent-encoded, especially semicolons (;%3B). You can use --data-urlencode inside cURL to make the process easier.


For example, to filter Ubuntu agents with a version higher than 18, the following query would be used. Remember that the value of the parameter q is being encoded with --data-urlencode:

# curl -G --data-urlencode ";os.version>18" -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents?limit=500&pretty=true&select=id,name,,os.version,os.codename,os.major" -H  "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
   "data": {
      "affected_items": [
            "os": {
               "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
               "major": "18",
               "name": "Ubuntu",
               "version": "18.04.4 LTS"
            "name": "wazuh-master",
            "id": "000"
            "os": {
               "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
               "major": "18",
               "name": "Ubuntu",
               "version": "18.04.4 LTS"
            "name": "wazuh-agent4",
            "id": "004"
            "os": {
               "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
               "major": "18",
               "name": "Ubuntu",
               "version": "18.04.4 LTS"
            "name": "wazuh-agent5",
            "id": "005"
            "os": {
               "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
               "major": "18",
               "name": "Ubuntu",
               "version": "18.04.4 LTS"
            "name": "wazuh-agent6",
            "id": "006"
            "os": {
               "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
               "major": "18",
               "name": "Ubuntu",
               "version": "18.04.4 LTS"
            "name": "wazuh-agent7",
            "id": "007"
            "os": {
               "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
               "major": "18",
               "name": "Ubuntu",
               "version": "18.04.4 LTS"
            "name": "wazuh-agent8",
            "id": "008"
            "os": {
               "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
               "major": "18",
               "name": "Ubuntu",
               "version": "18.04.2 LTS"
            "name": "wazuh-agent9",
            "id": "009"
            "os": {
               "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
               "major": "18",
               "name": "Ubuntu",
               "version": "18.04.2 LTS"
            "name": "wazuh-agent10",
            "id": "010"
      "total_affected_items": 8,
      "total_failed_items": 0,
      "failed_items": []
   "message": "All selected agents information was returned",
   "error": 0

The same field can be used multiple times to get a more accurate result. For example, filtering agents with a version higher than Ubuntu 18 but lower than Ubuntu 18.04.4:

# curl -G --data-urlencode ";os.version>18;os.version<18.04.4" -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents?limit=500&pretty=true&select=id,name,,os.version,os.codename,os.major" -H  "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
   "data": {
      "affected_items": [
            "os": {
               "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
               "major": "18",
               "name": "Ubuntu",
               "version": "18.04.2 LTS"
            "name": "wazuh-agent9",
            "id": "009"
            "os": {
               "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
               "major": "18",
               "name": "Ubuntu",
               "version": "18.04.2 LTS"
            "name": "wazuh-agent10",
            "id": "010"
      "total_affected_items": 2,
      "total_failed_items": 0,
      "failed_items": []
   "message": "All selected agents information was returned",
   "error": 0

An example of using the OR (,) operator and LIKE AS (~) can be filtering agents whose operating system name contains windows or centos.

# curl -G --data-urlencode "," -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents?limit=500&pretty=true&select=id,name,,os.version,os.codename,os.major" -H  "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
   "data": {
      "affected_items": [
            "os": {
               "major": "6",
               "name": "Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Professional Service Pack 1",
               "version": "6.1.7601"
            "name": "jmv74211-PC",
            "id": "013"
      "total_affected_items": 1,
      "total_failed_items": 0,
      "failed_items": []
   "message": "All selected agents information was returned",
   "error": 0

Getting the ubuntu agents with id other than 0 and lower than 4, whose name contains the substring waz and whose major version is 16 or 18, is an example that involves multiple operators at the same time:

# curl -G --data-urlencode "q=id!=0;id<4;name~waz;(os.major=16,os.major=18)" -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents?limit=500&pretty=true&select=id,name,,os.version,os.codename,os.major" -H  "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
   "data": {
      "affected_items": [
            "os": {
               "codename": "Xenial Xerus",
               "major": "16",
               "name": "Ubuntu",
               "version": "16.04.6 LTS"
            "name": "wazuh-agent1",
            "id": "001"
            "os": {
               "codename": "Xenial Xerus",
               "major": "16",
               "name": "Ubuntu",
               "version": "16.04.6 LTS"
            "name": "wazuh-agent2",
            "id": "002"
            "os": {
               "codename": "Xenial Xerus",
               "major": "16",
               "name": "Ubuntu",
               "version": "16.04.6 LTS"
            "name": "wazuh-agent3",
            "id": "003"
      "total_affected_items": 3,
      "total_failed_items": 0,
      "failed_items": []
   "message": "All selected agents information was returned",
   "error": 0

Getting agents with an ID higher than 007 that run on Windows or whose operating system major version is either 14 or 18:

# curl -G --data-urlencode "q=id>007;(,(os.major=14,os.major=18))" -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents?limit=500&pretty=true&select=id,name,,os.version,os.codename,os.major" -H  "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
   "data": {
      "affected_items": [
            "os": {
               "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
               "major": "18",
               "name": "Ubuntu",
               "version": "18.04.4 LTS"
            "name": "wazuh-agent8",
            "id": "008"
            "os": {
               "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
               "major": "18",
               "name": "Ubuntu",
               "version": "18.04.2 LTS"
            "name": "wazuh-agent9",
            "id": "009"
            "os": {
               "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
               "major": "18",
               "name": "Ubuntu",
               "version": "18.04.2 LTS"
            "name": "wazuh-agent10",
            "id": "010"
            "os": {
               "major": "6",
               "name": "Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Professional Service Pack 1",
               "version": "6.1.7601"
            "name": "jmv74211-PC",
            "id": "013"
      "total_affected_items": 4,
      "total_failed_items": 0,
      "failed_items": []
   "message": "All selected agents information was returned",
   "error": 0