Fluentd forwarder

This module allows ThreatLockDown to forward messages to a Fluentd server. Fluentd it's an open source data collector logger that comes along with great plugins to build your own logging layer. Check it out at https://www.fluentd.org/

How it works

This module allows the forwarding of the received messages from a dedicated UDP socket to a Fluentd server. The Fluentd server could be located on the same local machine or a remote machine.


This module works only on Unix systems.


The socket_path tag indicates the location of the Unix domain UDP socket to be created by the module. From this socket, the module will read the incoming messages and forward them to the Fluentd server.

The tag tag it's added to every message read from the UDP socket. This allows the user to specify the flow to the Fluentd server internal routing.


An empty tag is not allowed, the module will shutdown if it is not present or empty.


The output will be forwarded to the Fluentd server specified by the <address> tag.

Use cases

You can configure the module in the following two ways:

  • Forward events in a log file using logcollector. In this configuration, you set the location of a log file, its log format, and the target socket.

  • Forward alerts generated by ThreatLockDown using analysisd. In this configuration, you set the socket to which forward the alerts.

Example using logcollector

This example is for testing purposes on a Debian machine, with the ThreatLockDown manager installed.

Given the following configuration:


Set up the socket for logcollector:


Set up a localfile to read from:


On a terminal, run the following commands as root to start a Fluentd server:

apt-get install -y ruby ruby-dev
gem install fluentd
fluentd -s conf
fluentd -c conf/fluent.conf

Restart the ThreatLockDown manager:

systemctl restart wazuh-manager

Write a string to your log file:

echo "message" >> /path/to/your/log

You should see the message on the Fluentd server:

2019-03-28 14:47:40.000000000 +0200 debug.test: "message"

Example using analysisd

This example is for testing purposes on a Debian machine, with the ThreatLockDown manager installed.

Given the following configuration:



The path in the socket_path setting must be located within the /var/ossec/ directory. You can use an absolute or a relative path. For example var/run/fluent.sock.

Set up the socket setting for analysisd as follows. The location setting must match the socket_path setting above.


Set up a target to read from. You must specify the value of name defined in the <socket> section above.


On a terminal, run the following commands as root to start a Fluentd server:

apt-get install -y ruby ruby-dev
gem install fluentd
fluentd -s conf
fluentd -c conf/fluent.conf

Restart the ThreatLockDown manager:

systemctl restart wazuh-manager

When an event triggers an alert, it's sent to fluentd in JSON format. On the Fluentd server, you can see a message similar to this:

2023-04-25 11:34:32.000000000 +0000 debug.test: {"message":"{\"timestamp\":\"2023-04-25T11:34:32.802+0000\",\"rule\":{\"level\":5,\"description\":\"File added to the system.\",\"id\":\"554\",\"firedtimes\":2,\"mail\":false,\"groups\":[\"ossec\",\"syscheck\",\"syscheck_entry_added\",\"syscheck_file\"],\"pci_dss\":[\"11.5\"],\"gpg13\":[\"4.11\"],\"gdpr\":[\"II_5.1.f\"],\"hipaa\":[\"164.312.c.1\",\"164.312.c.2\"],\"nist_800_53\":[\"SI.7\"],\"tsc\":[\"PI1.4\",\"PI1.5\",\"CC6.1\",\"CC6.8\",\"CC7.2\",\"CC7.3\"]},\"agent\":{\"id\":\"000\",\"name\":\"Manager AIX\"},\"manager\":{\"name\":\"Manager AIX\"},\"id\":\"1682422472.585306\",\"full_log\":\"File '/home/test/newFile.txt' added\\nMode: scheduled\\n\",\"syscheck\":{\"path\":\"/home/test/newFile.txt\",\"mode\":\"scheduled\",\"size_after\":\"0\",\"perm_after\":\"rw-r--r--\",\"uid_after\":\"0\",\"gid_after\":\"0\",\"md5_after\":\"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e\",\"sha1_after\":\"da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709\",\"sha256_after\":\"e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855\",\"uname_after\":\"root\",\"gname_after\":\"root\",\"mtime_after\":\"2023-04-25T11:34:32\",\"inode_after\":524395,\"event\":\"added\"},\"decoder\":{\"name\":\"syscheck_new_entry\"},\"location\":\"syscheck\"}"}

For more information about Fluentd configuration options, check the documentation at https://docs.fluentd.org/v1.0/articles/quickstart