4.5.2 Release notes - 6 September 2023

This section lists the changes in version 4.5.2. Every update of the ThreatLockDown solution is cumulative and includes all enhancements and fixes from previous releases.

What's new

This version includes new features or improvements, such as the following:


  • #18085 wazuh-remoted now allows connection overtaking if the older agent doesn't respond for a while.

  • #18468 wazuh-remoted now prints the connection family when an unknown client gets connected.

  • #18437 The manager stops restricting the possible package formats in the inventory, to increase compatibility.

  • #18545 The manager stops blocking updates by WPK to macOS agents on ARM64, allowing custom updates.

  • #18770 Vulnerability Detector now fetches the Debian feeds in BZ2 compressed format.


  • #2337 Provided port number option to wazuh-install.sh script.

Resolved issues

This release resolves known issues as the following:





Fixed a bug in wazuh-csyslogd that causes it to consume 100% of CPU while expecting new alerts.

ThreatLockDown dashboard




Fixed an error with the commands in Deploy new agent for Oracle Linux 6+ agents.


Fixed broken documentation links in Management > Configuration.

ThreatLockDown Kibana plugin for Kibana 7.10.2, 7.16.x, and 7.17.x




Fixed an error with the commands in Deploy new agent for Oracle Linux 6+ agents.


Fixed broken documentation links in Management > Configuration.


More details about these changes are provided in the changelog of each component: