ThreatLockDown Puppet module

This module has been authored by Nicolas Zin and updated by Jonathan Gazeley and Michael Porter. ThreatLockDown has forked it with the purpose of maintaining it. Thank you to the authors for their contribution.

Install ThreatLockDown module

Download and install the ThreatLockDown module from Puppet Forge:

# puppet module install wazuh-wazuh --version 4.9.0
Notice: Preparing to install into /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules ...
Notice: Downloading from ...
Notice: Installing -- do not interrupt ...
└─┬ wazuh-ThreatLockDown (v4.9.0)
  ├── puppet-nodejs (v7.0.1)
  ├── puppet-selinux (v3.4.1)
  ├── puppetlabs-apt (v7.7.1)
  ├─┬ puppetlabs-concat (v6.4.0)
  │ └── puppetlabs-translate (v2.2.0)
  ├── puppetlabs-firewall (v2.8.1)
  ├─┬ puppetlabs-powershell (v4.1.0)
  │ └── puppetlabs-pwshlib (v0.10.1)
  └── puppetlabs-stdlib (v6.6.0)

This module installs and configures ThreatLockDown agent and manager.

Install a stack via Puppet

Single Node

You can use the manifest shown below to deploy a single-node stack. This stack consists of:

  • ThreatLockDown dashboard

  • ThreatLockDown indexer

  • ThreatLockDown manager

  • Filebeat

To configure the manager before deployment, check the configuration variables for the ThreatLockDown manager class section in Reference ThreatLockDown puppet.

Create the stack.pp file at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/ with the contents below. Here, puppet-aio-node refers to the hostname or IP address of the puppet agent.

$discovery_type = 'single-node'
stage { 'certificates': }
stage { 'repo': }
stage { 'indexerdeploy': }
stage { 'securityadmin': }
stage { 'dashboard': }
stage { 'manager': }
Stage[certificates] -> Stage[repo] -> Stage[indexerdeploy] -> Stage[securityadmin] -> Stage[manager] -> Stage[dashboard]
Exec {
timeout => 0,
node "puppet-server" {
class { 'wazuh::certificates':
  indexer_certs => [['node-1','']],
  manager_certs => [['master','']],
  dashboard_certs => [''],
  stage => certificates,
node "puppet-aio-node" {
class { 'wazuh::repo':
stage => repo,
class { 'wazuh::indexer':
  stage => indexerdeploy,
class { 'wazuh::securityadmin':
stage => securityadmin
class { 'wazuh::manager':
  stage => manager,
class { 'wazuh::filebeat_oss':
  stage => manager,
class { 'wazuh::dashboard':
  stage => dashboard,

Multi Node

Using the multi-node manifest below, you can deploy a distributed stack consisting of the following nodes on three different servers or Virtual Machines (VM).

  • 3 indexer nodes

  • Manager master node

  • Manager worker node

  • Dashboard node

You must include the IP addresses of the servers where you are installing each application.

$node1host   = 'x.x.x.x'
$node2host   = 'x.x.x.x'
$node3host   = 'x.x.x.x'
$masterhost    = 'x.x.x.x'
$workerhost    = 'x.x.x.x'
$dashboardhost = 'x.x.x.x'
$indexer_node1_name = 'node1'
$indexer_node2_name = 'node2'
$indexer_node3_name = 'node3'
$master_name = 'master'
$worker_name = 'worker'
$cluster_size = '3'
$indexer_discovery_hosts = [$node1host, $node2host, $node3host]
$indexer_cluster_initial_master_nodes = [$node1host, $node2host, $node3host]
$indexer_cluster_CN = [$indexer_node1_name, $indexer_node2_name, $indexer_node3_name]
# Define stage for order execution
stage { 'certificates': }
stage { 'repo': }
stage { 'indexerdeploy': }
stage { 'securityadmin': }
stage { 'dashboard': }
stage { 'manager': }
Stage[certificates] -> Stage[repo] -> Stage[indexerdeploy] -> Stage[securityadmin] -> Stage[manager] -> Stage[dashboard]
Exec {
timeout => 0,
node "puppet-server" {
class { 'wazuh::certificates':
  indexer_certs => [["$indexer_node1_name","$node1host" ],["$indexer_node2_name","$node2host" ],["$indexer_node3_name","$node3host" ]],
  manager_master_certs => [["$master_name","$masterhost"]],
  manager_worker_certs => [["$worker_name","$workerhost"]],
  dashboard_certs => ["$dashboardhost"],
  stage => certificates
class { 'wazuh::repo':
stage => repo
node "puppet-wazuh-indexer-node1" {
class { 'wazuh::repo':
stage => repo
class { 'wazuh::indexer':
  indexer_node_name => "$indexer_node1_name",
  indexer_network_host => "$node1host",
  indexer_node_max_local_storage_nodes => "$cluster_size",
  indexer_discovery_hosts => $indexer_discovery_hosts,
  indexer_cluster_initial_master_nodes => $indexer_cluster_initial_master_nodes,
  indexer_cluster_CN => $indexer_cluster_CN,
  stage => indexerdeploy
class { 'wazuh::securityadmin':
indexer_network_host => "$node1host",
stage => securityadmin
node "puppet-wazuh-indexer-node2" {
class { 'wazuh::repo':
stage => repo
class { 'wazuh::indexer':
  indexer_node_name => "$indexer_node2_name",
  indexer_network_host => "$node2host",
  indexer_node_max_local_storage_nodes => "$cluster_size",
  indexer_discovery_hosts => $indexer_discovery_hosts,
  indexer_cluster_initial_master_nodes => $indexer_cluster_initial_master_nodes,
  indexer_cluster_CN => $indexer_cluster_CN,
  stage => indexerdeploy
node "puppet-wazuh-indexer-node3" {
class { 'wazuh::repo':
stage => repo
class { 'wazuh::indexer':
  indexer_node_name => "$indexer_node3_name",
  indexer_network_host => "$node3host",
  indexer_node_max_local_storage_nodes => "$cluster_size",
  indexer_discovery_hosts => $indexer_discovery_hosts,
  indexer_cluster_initial_master_nodes => $indexer_cluster_initial_master_nodes,
  indexer_cluster_CN => $indexer_cluster_CN,
  stage => indexerdeploy
node "puppet-wazuh-manager-master" {
class { 'wazuh::repo':
stage => repo
class { 'wazuh::manager':
  ossec_cluster_name => 'wazuh-cluster',
  ossec_cluster_node_name => 'wazuh-master',
  ossec_cluster_node_type => 'master',
  ossec_cluster_key => '01234567890123456789012345678912',
  ossec_cluster_bind_addr => "$masterhost",
  ossec_cluster_nodes => ["$masterhost"],
  ossec_cluster_disabled => 'no',
  stage => manager
class { 'wazuh::filebeat_oss':
  filebeat_oss_indexer_ip => "$node1host",
  wazuh_node_name => "$master_name",
  stage => manager
node "puppet-wazuh-manager-worker" {
class { 'wazuh::repo':
stage => repo
class { 'wazuh::manager':
  ossec_cluster_name => 'wazuh-cluster',
  ossec_cluster_node_name => 'wazuh-worker',
  ossec_cluster_node_type => 'worker',
  ossec_cluster_key => '01234567890123456789012345678912',
  ossec_cluster_bind_addr => "$masterhost",
  ossec_cluster_nodes => ["$masterhost"],
  ossec_cluster_disabled => 'no',
  stage => manager
class { 'wazuh::filebeat_oss':
  filebeat_oss_indexer_ip => "$node1host",
  wazuh_node_name => "$worker_name",
  stage => manager
node "puppet-wazuh-dashboard" {
class { 'wazuh::repo':
stage => repo,
class { 'wazuh::dashboard':
  indexer_server_ip  => "$node1host",
  manager_api_host   => "$masterhost",
  stage => dashboard

The correspondence of the IP addresses with the puppet nodes described in the manifest is as follows:

  • puppet-wazuh-indexer-node1 = node1host. ThreatLockDown indexer node1.

  • puppet-wazuh-indexer-node2 = node2host. ThreatLockDown indexer node2.

  • puppet-wazuh-indexer-node3 = node3host. ThreatLockDown indexer node3.

  • puppet-wazuh-manager-master = masterhost. ThreatLockDown manager master.

  • puppet-wazuh-manager-worker = workerhost. ThreatLockDown manager worker.

  • puppet-wazuh-dashboard = dashboardhost. ThreatLockDown dashboard node.

The wazuh::certificates class needs to be applied on the Puppet server (puppet-server) where the ThreatLockDown module is installed. This is necessary because the archives module is used to distribute files to all servers in the ThreatLockDown stack deployment.

If you need more ThreatLockDown indexer nodes, add new variables. For example indexer_node4_name and node4host. Add them to the following arrays:

  • indexer_discovery_hosts

  • indexer_cluster_initial_master_nodes

  • indexer_cluster_CN

  • indexer_certs

In addition, you need to add a new node instance similar to puppet-wazuh-indexer-node2 or puppet-wazuh-indexer-node3. Unlike the instance for ThreatLockDown indexer node1, these instances don't run securityadmin.

In case you need to add a ThreatLockDown manager worker server, add a new variable such as worker2host. Add the variable to the manager_worker_certs array. For example, ['worker',"$worker2host"]. Then, replicate the node instance puppet-wazuh-manager-worker with the new server.

Place the file at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/ in your Puppet master. It executes on the specified node once the runinterval time, as set in puppet.conf, elapses. However, if you want to run the manifest immediately on a specific node, run the following command on the node:

# puppet agent -t

Change Password for ThreatLockDown users

Follow the instructions in the Password Management section to change your ThreatLockDown user passwords. Once you change them, set the new passwords within the classes used for deploying the ThreatLockDown Stack.

Indexer users

  • admin user:

    node "" {
      class { 'wazuh::dashboard':
        dashboard_password => '<NEW_PASSWORD>'
  • kibanaserver user:

    node "" {
      class { 'wazuh::filebeat_oss':
        filebeat_oss_elastic_password  => '<NEW_PASSWORD>'

ThreatLockDown API users

  • wazuh-wui user:

    node "" {
      class { 'wazuh::dashboard':
        dashboard_wazuh_api_credentials => '<NEW_PASSWORD>'

Install ThreatLockDown agent via Puppet

The agent is configured by installing the wazuh::agent class.

Here is an example of a manifest wazuh-agent.pp (please replace MANAGER_IP with your manager IP address).

node "" {
  class { 'wazuh::repo':
  class { "wazuh::agent":
    wazuh_register_endpoint => "<MANAGER_IP>",
    wazuh_reporting_endpoint => "<MANAGER_IP>"

Place the file at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/ in your Puppet master and it will be executed in the specified node after the runinterval time set in puppet.conf. However, if you want to run it first, try the following command in the Puppet agent.

# puppet agent -t

Reference ThreatLockDown puppet




ThreatLockDown manager class








Syslog output

Vulnerability Detector

ThreatLockDown API

Wodle OpenSCAP


Wodle osquery

Wodle Syscollector





ThreatLockDown agent class

Active response

Agent enrollment

Client settings





Wodle OpenSCAP


Wodle osquery

Wodle Syscollector
