How it works

To detect vulnerabilities, ThreatLockDown agents collect a list of installed applications from monitored endpoints and send it periodically to the ThreatLockDown server. Local SQLite databases in the ThreatLockDown server store this list. Within the ThreatLockDown server, the Vulnerability Detection module correlates the software inventory data with vulnerability content documents to detect vulnerable software on the monitored endpoint. These documents are Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) records that are available in our Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) platform.

On the CTI platform, we aggregate vulnerability data from diverse sources like operating system vendors and vulnerability databases, consolidating it into a unified, reliable repository. The process involves standardizing the varied formats into a common structure using the CVE JSON 5 format.

We maintain the integrity of our vulnerability data by doing the following additional tasks.

  • Rectifying format inconsistencies like version errors and typos.

  • Completing missing information.

  • Incorporating new cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

Subsequently, we merge this content, uploading the compiled documents to a cloud server. And finally, we publish these documents to our CTI API.

To update the vulnerabilities information on the ThreatLockDown server, the vulnerability detection module queries the CTI API or an offline local repository. It obtains new documents and any resulting difference with old ones. Then the module publishes new content to a channel notifying subscribers.

Subscribers scan the software inventory of the endpoints using the latest available vulnerabilities information. The detection process looks for vulnerable packages in the inventory databases. These inventories are unique to each agent.

A package is labeled as vulnerable when its version matches those within the affected range of a CVE. Alerts show the results, and the module stores the findings in a per-agent vulnerability inventory. This inventory contains the current state of every agent and includes vulnerabilities that have been detected and not resolved. Users can query the inventory to check for alerts and vulnerability information.

For Microsoft Windows systems and specific Microsoft products, the Vulnerability Detection module has the hotfixes option in the syscollector settings on the ThreatLockDown agent. Using this option enables the module to detect packages that the user has patched. When the Vulnerability Detection module detects a patch, it uses the information provided by Microsoft to decide if the patch has resolved the CVEs. Then, it removes them from the list of vulnerabilities.

Alert generation

The Vulnerability Detection module generates alerts when it detects new vulnerabilities or when users fix identified vulnerabilities. You can see this workflow in the diagram below.

Vulnerability detection workflow

Compatibility matrix

The following list shows the operating systems the CTI platform currently supports for vulnerability detection.

  • CentOS 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

  • Red Hat 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

  • Ubuntu 14 trusty, 16 xenial, 18 bionic, 20 focal, 22 jammy.

  • Debian 10 buster, 11 bullseye, 12 bookworm.

  • Amazon Linux 1, Amazon Linux 2, Amazon Linux 2023.

  • Arch Linux Rolling release.

  • SLES 11 server, SLED 11 desktop, SLES 12 server, SLED 12 desktop, SLES 15 server, SLED 15 desktop.

  • AlmaLinux 8, 9.

  • Windows XP and later.

  • macOS Sierra and later.


Users can extend support for operating systems that aren't listed above by using the allow option.