Viewing system inventory data

ThreatLockDown dashboard

You can view the system inventory of each monitored endpoint from the ThreatLockDown dashboard. To do this, select an agent from your ThreatLockDown dashboard and navigate to the Inventory data module as displayed below. The inventory data page for each monitored endpoint shows its operating system, hardware, processes, network interface, and packages.

Inventory data
Inventory data module

Query the agent inventory database

The Syscollector module runs periodic scans and sends the updated data in JSON format to the ThreatLockDown server. The ThreatLockDown server analyzes and stores this data in a separate database for each endpoint. The databases contain tables that store each type of system information. You can query the database for specific information using the ThreatLockDown API or the SQLite tool.

Using the ThreatLockDown API

You can query the ThreatLockDown inventory data using the ThreatLockDown API, which retrieves nested data in JSON format. You can use the ThreatLockDown API GUI on the dashboard or a command line tool like cURL to query the inventory database.

ThreatLockDown API GUI

On the ThreatLockDown dashboard, navigate to Server management > Dev Tools. On the Console, type the following:

GET /syscollector/<AGENT_ID>/

Where <AGENT_ID> corresponds to the agent ID of the endpoint.

The ThreatLockDown dashboard will suggest a list of available tables that you can query via the API.

Server management > Dev Tools

For example, you can use the command GET /syscollector/<AGENT_ID>/packages to query the inventory data for installed packages on the endpoint. After typing, click the play icon to run the query.

Furthermore, you can query the inventory data for specific information about any property. For example, the command below queries the package inventory to check for the wazuh-agent package:

GET /syscollector/<AGENT_ID>/packages?pretty=true&name=wazuh-agent


  • packages reference the package table in the inventory database, which stores information about the currently installed software on an endpoint. You can reference the table of your interest.

  • name=wazuh-agent specifies the wazuh-agent package name. You can use different properties and values.

  • pretty=true ensures the output is properly formatted and easy to read.

Query the inventory data


Follow the steps below to query the endpoint database from the command line using cURL:

  • Generate a JSON Web Token (JWT) for authenticating to the ThreatLockDown server by running the following command. The default API credentials are wazuh:wazuh. Replace <WAZUH_SERVER_IP> with your ThreatLockDown server IP address.

    TOKEN=$(curl -u <USER>:<PASSWORD> -k -X GET "https://<WAZUH_SERVER_IP>:55000/security/user/authenticate?raw=true")

    Run the command echo $TOKEN to confirm that you successfully generated the token. The output should be like this:

  • Query the endpoint information of interest using a command which takes the following format:

    curl -k -X GET "https://<WAZUH_SERVER_IP>:55000/syscollector/<AGENT_ID>/<SYSCOLLECTOR_PROPERTY>?pretty=true" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

    For example, to retrieve information about the applications installed on an endpoint with agent ID of 010, the command will be:

    curl -k -X GET "https://<WAZUH_SERVER_IP>:55000/syscollector/010/packages?pretty=true" -H  "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

    The other inventory properties are hardware, hotfixes, netaddr, netiface, netproto, os, ports, and processes. These all correspond to the tables in the inventory database. You can learn more about these options in our API documentation.

       "data": {
          "affected_items": [
                "scan": {
                   "id": 0,
                   "time": "2022-09-27T09:16:45+00:00"
                "priority": "optional",
                "multiarch": "foreign",
                "format": "deb",
                "vendor": "Ubuntu Developers <>",
                "size": 12219,
                "version": "0.4.9-2",
                "description": "encoding data for the poppler PDF rendering library",
                "section": "misc",
                "name": "poppler-data",
                "architecture": "all",
                "agent_id": "010"
                "scan": {
                   "id": 0,
                   "time": "2022-09-27T09:16:45+00:00"
                "priority": "optional",
                "multiarch": "foreign",
                "format": "deb",
                "vendor": "Ubuntu Developers <>",
                "size": 31,
                "version": "3.20-4",
                "description": "data tables pertaining to HTML",
                "section": "perl",
                "name": "libhtml-tagset-perl",
                "architecture": "all",
                "agent_id": "010"
                "scan": {
                   "id": 0,
                   "time": "2022-09-27T09:16:45+00:00"
                "priority": "optional",
                "multiarch": "same",
                "format": "deb",
                "vendor": "Ubuntu Developers <>",
                "size": 426,
                "version": "1.17-6ubuntu4.1",
                "description": "MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - krb5 GSS-API Mechanism",
                "section": "libs",
                "source": "krb5",
                "name": "libgssapi-krb5-2",
                "architecture": "amd64",
                "agent_id": "010"

    Furthermore, you can query the inventory data to find specific information about any property. For example, the command below queries the package inventory to check if the wazuh-agent package is present.

    curl -k -X GET "https://<WAZUH_SERVER_IP>:55000/syscollector/001/packages?pretty=true&name=wazuh-agent" -H  "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
       "data": {
          "affected_items": [
                "scan": {
                   "id": 0,
                   "time": "2023-08-09T06:49:25+00:00"
                "architecture": "x86_64",
                "description": "ThreatLockDown helps you to gain security visibility into your infrastructure by monitoring hosts at an operating system and application level. It provides the following capabilities: log analysis, file integrity monitoring, intrusions detection and policy and compliance monitoring",
                "format": "rpm",
                "size": 25951010,
                "install_time": "1691563709",
                "name": "wazuh-agent",
                "section": "System Environment/Daemons",
                "vendor": "Wazuh, Inc <>",
                "version": "4.5.0-1",
                "agent_id": "001"
          "total_affected_items": 1,
          "total_failed_items": 0,
          "failed_items": []
       "message": "All specified syscollector information was returned",
       "error": 0

Using SQLite

The location of the database for each monitored endpoint is on the ThreatLockDown server at /var/ossec/queue/db/. You can query each database directly. To connect to the database of an endpoint, use the command below:

$ sqlite3 /var/ossec/queue/db/<AGENT_ID>.db

Where <AGENT_ID> corresponds to the agent ID of the monitored endpoint.

SQLite version 3.7.17 2013-05-20 00:56:22
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"

After connecting to the database, you can query the list of tables in it using the command below:

ciscat_results        sca_scan_info         sys_osinfo
fim_entry             scan_info             sys_ports
metadata              sync_info             sys_processes
pm_event              sys_hotfixes          sys_programs
sca_check             sys_hwinfo            vuln_cves
sca_check_compliance  sys_netaddr           vuln_metadata
sca_check_rules       sys_netiface
sca_policy            sys_netproto

You can further query the tables for any information you are interested in. For example, if you want to know if a particular software is present on an endpoint, you can query the sys_programs table using sqlite>select * from sys_programs where name="<SOFTWARE_NAME>";. The command below checks whether the wazuh-agent program is present on a monitored Linux endpoint and shows the captured details:

sqlite>select * from sys_programs where name="wazuh-agent";
0|2023/01/06 13:48:56|rpm|wazuh-agent||System Environment/Daemons|25988677|Wazuh, Inc <>|1673012221|4.3.10-1|x86_64|||ThreatLockDown helps you to gain security visibility into your infrastructure by monitoring hosts at an operating system and application level. It provides the following capabilities: log analysis, file integrity monitoring, intrusions detection and policy and compliance monitoring||1|||1cf5a056a0ff5b6201939eba76ef68f6d860af36|5747279dac052d61c6d3ec87b475edddb84e9dd1